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Raul & Sherry Verduzco



SHERRY:  I pass them often as I drive around town, the shabby weathered person standing on the corner or at the highway ramp, holding their hand inked cardboard sign saying in so many words:  “Please give to me.” “Please help me out here.” “I would if I could, but I can’t, so would you please.” 


Sometimes I engage with food, or water, or clothing.   Mostly I don’t.  Mostly I look away and keep driving on.  But this day was different.  


There was an energized desperation I saw in the man standing on the curb at the roadway to Meijer’s.  Not far from him a woman with a toddler in one hand and an infant in her arm.  His sign said he was trying to get back to Mexico.  His two babies needed formula and diapers.  The car they were living out of needed gas.   Tears spontaneously spilled down my face as my heart broke for them.  


They needed so much more.  What could I do?   “Lord, in your mercy … “ I prayed as I drove past.  My heart hurt.  I turned the car around, compelled to “do something” … what, I had no clue.   The famous quote: “give someone a fish and you feed them for one day; teach someone to fish and you feed them for a lifetime”, pressed through my thoughts.


“Raul, I gave a homeless man your name and phone number.  He has a homeless family and is going to call you.  He needs any work you can give him”.


RAUL:  “Everyone deserves an opportunity”.   This is what is on my heart, when on a regular basis, people come to the Dos Hermanos Market with their skills, their talents, their artistry, their craft, their hopes and their empty pockets that match their empty stomachs.  


They need an opportunity to work so they can support themselves and their families.   They proudly tell me their resume, their education, their experience, and offer their services for food.   “They just need an opportunity” … “They just need an opportunity” … “They just need an opportunity” … never leaves my heart.


S AND R SERVICES NETWORK, LLC was born out of God’s compassion and mercy with the priority objective to empower (not rescue) and spur one another on with praise, encouragement, and opportunity for the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. 


S and R Services Network is where service and network come together providing reliable, year-round, home, business and property services through a network of exceptional experts being given an opportunity to use their skillsets, gifts, talents, education, and experience.  


Reliable hard workers providing extraordinary services at reasonable prices.   Give us a call today: Raul Verduzco: 734-444-6354  or Sherry Verduzco: 734-646-5582.


~ To the Glory of God ~ Father God, Bless this work of our bodies; use our bodies for Your service; and these services to Your Gory. ~ In Jesus name and blood, AMEN



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