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   Need help with that?...                                                                            
       Keep your house and property in peak condition all year long.                                                      

* Windows
* Storm Doors
* Screens
* Gutters/Downspouts
* Inspect Roof
* Exterior Power washing
* Storage, organize, declutter
* Furnace Filter
* Smoke Alarm Bettery
* Clothing Rotation, Organize
* Bedding Rotation, Organize
* Oven Cleaning
* Clean refrigerator coil
* Fire extinguisher checks
* Carpet Cleaning
* Compost
* Garden Startup
* Landscape design
* Pet areas
* Children's areas
* Upcoming family event planning
* Help others
* Caulk and seal foundation cracks
* Weatherstripping
* Clean, Repair, Store Screens
* Storm Windows and Doors
* Clean gutters and downspouts
* Clean Dryer Vent
* Smoke Alarm Battery
* Furnace Filter
* Deer / animal proof
* Pet areas
* Children areas
* Family / event areas
* Firewood
* Think Spring - get gardens ready
* Plant bulbs and trees
* Fertilize
* Handrails
* Put up Christmas lights in the warm
* Car in garage or covered area
* Chimney Cleaning and repair
* Remove all leaves from lawn
* Weather proof and water proof
* Upcoming family event planning
* Help others
* Secure Pool Area
* Clean BBA Area
* Secure Drains / Covers
* Pest Control
* Boating Safety
* Clean Patio / Furniture
* Walkway safety and lighting
* Exterior repairs
* Pet areas
* Children's areas
* First aid area
* Exterior Painting
* Garage cleanout, re-org, repairs
* Garden planting, mulching, weeding
* Family areas
* Upcoming family event planning
* Help others

* Plan for snow removal
* Snow shovels handy.
* Snow blower handy.
* Snow removal services
* Car winter emergency kit
* Spare key / Emergency key
* Warm place for kids / reliable transport
* Reliable pet care
* Garden Hoope House
* Garden cold bin
* Winter pet path
* De-Icer
* Road Service Plan
* Keep walkways and drives clear
* Clear full path for mail carriers
* Salt / Sand ready and handy
* Leave all water taps at slight drip
* Upcoming family event planning
* Help others
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